Different types of cheese with different flavors

The origin of cheese is said to be that camel or sheep milk was stored in leather pouches made from animals in desert areas for long-term storage, and then naturally evaporated and hardened in the hot desert. In Korea during the Joseon Dynasty, there was a porridge made by adding rice flour to milk called tarakjuk, although its essence was different. In modern times, various types of milk products have been developed and advanced in the West, especially in Switzerland and France. Butter is the fat separated from the useful components of milk, and cheese is the protein separated. Today, this cheese is divided into natural cheese, processed cheese, and imitation cheese. In the past, it was used as a high-quality drinking snack or as a topping for food, but today, it is easy to access and can be consumed in various ways. It has a texture similar to plant-based tofu, but it is a part of a completely different food. We say kimchi as a signal to smile when taking pictures, but in the We...