In Chinese characters, radish is written as 菔, and cabbage is written as 菘. Both use the first and last letters.
Among them, radish contains amylase, which is a natural digestive enzyme. In the past, when people had an upset stomach, they would eat raw radish. In Gyeongsang-do, radish pancakes are served on the ancestral rite table, and radish rice mixed with seasoned soy sauce is a delicacy. Radish is usually eaten raw as radish salad, or in soup, and is considered a type of side dish.
Recently, it has been used as a side dish for various fast foods such as pizza, hamburgers, and fried chicken. The three main menus where radish is used are chicken radish, danmuji, and ssammu.
Danmuji is a processed radish product made by soaking, known as dakkuang in Chinese restaurants, chicken radish is a pickled food cut into cubes, and ssammu is also a pickled food cut into circles.
On the other hand, a similar Western food is cucumber pickle, which is different from our cucumber sobak-i.
The phrase "the wind enters the radish" does not mean that outside air has entered the radish body, but rather that the internal cavity has formed due to overripeness, which makes it look bad, and in such cases, the taste is said to be inferior to that of the regular product.
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