As food, oil is used to enhance flavor, supplement insufficient nutrients, and as an energy source.
Our ancestors used animal fat by collecting the white fat content after slaughtering, refining the oil at high temperatures, and storing it for later use, but for vegetable fat, most of the pressing method was done by applying heat to seeds with a lot of oil content, pressing them with heavy stones, and squeezing them mechanically. However, modern factory-style manufacturing methods use extraction methods, which involve adding solvent to seeds to extract the oil content, and refining them through deodorizing, decolorizing, and other processes.
Pressing means forcibly extracting, while extraction means letting it come out naturally with the help of others (solvent). Of course, pressing is done by roasting at high temperatures and then using heavy stones or hydraulic presses, and it is different from extraction using solvents, which is a method used for industrial purposes. On the other hand, low-temperature pressing is a method that minimizes the destruction of nutrients.
In terms of manufacturing by pressing, in light of human history, it would be best to make the people move themselves with virtue rather than forcing them. If you look at the 07th index, it says Yongmin Hyeongjung (容民畜衆), which means to embrace (or be generous to) the people and raise the herd. The yield of the product will inevitably be higher through pressing, which is like sucking blood.
In addition, extraction by solvent gradually seeps into the surroundings without one knowing it (02 Jung Ji-gon's Ideal Gyeonbingji:履霜 堅氷至), so this also requires caution and attention.
Oils are divided into animal and vegetable oils, and among animal oils, there are lard, called pig oil, beef oil, chicken oil, and rabbit oil. Among insect oils, there is also civet oil, which is used as a herbal medicine. Among vegetable oils, there are various types of oils, such as soybean oil, evening primrose oil, safflower oil, and camellia oil, which are well known, and oils made from sesame seeds called homabak and perilla seeds known as sesame oil.
In addition, fatty acids can be divided into saturated fatty acids, which are mainly animal fats, and unsaturated fatty acids, which are vegetable and fish oils. Among them, saturated fatty acids can increase blood cholesterol levels and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, while unsaturated fatty acids can lower blood cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Therefore, for health, it is necessary to limit the intake of saturated fatty acids and increase the intake of unsaturated fatty acids.
In the past, there was a craze for omega-3, -6 fatty acids, one of the functional ingredients, but it would be best to limit indiscriminate eating of food due to excessive greed and eat appropriately (17 This new language is moderation in eating).
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